JP Blecksmith Memorial 5K

  • 07.04.2024 @ 08:00 AM
  • San Marino, California
Event Closed
The event administrator has closed online registration for this event. You can still register for the 5K on race day. Race day registration will begin at 6:45 AM and conclude at 7:45 AM.
Event Details
07 .04 .2024
starts at 08 :00 AM
ends at 10 :00 AM
Contact Details
Contact Person:
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Event Information
Kick off your 4th of July celebration by participating in EITHER an in-person 5K run/jog/walk through the beautiful City of San Marino OR virtually by completing the 5K Shadow (Virtual) Run.

Either way, go enjoy some fresh air and celebrate America's Birthday, the men and women who serve in our Armed Forces and reflect on our many Freedoms.
Sub Event Cost Distance
$35.00 5km
$35.00 5km
In consideration of your accepting this entry, I, the undersigned, intending to be legally bound, hereby, for myself, my family, my heirs, executers, and administrators, forever waive, release & discharge any and all rights & claims for damages & causes of suit or action known or unknown, that may have against The JP Blecksmith Memorial 5K, The JP Blecksmith Leadership Foundation, The City of San Marino and all other political entities, The San Marino Tribune, Race Wire (including its contractors, affiliates, and employees), USAT&F, all independent contractors & construction firms working on or near the course, all JP Blecksmith Leadership Foundation Committee persons, Officials & Volunteers, & all sponsors of the 5K, & the related 5K Events & their officers, directors, employees, agents & representatives, successors, & assigns, for any and all injuries that may be suffered by me in this event. I attest that I am physically fit, am aware of the dangers & precautions that must be taken when running in warm or cold conditions, & have sufficiently trained for the completion of this event. I also agree to abide by any decision of an appointed medical official relative to my ability to safely continue or complete the Run. I further assume and will pay my own medical & emergency expenses in the event of an accident, illness or other incapacity regardless of whether I have authorized such expenses. Further, I hereby grant full permission to The JP Blecksmith Memorial 5K and/or agents hereby authorized by them, to use any photographs, videotapes, motion pictures, recording, or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose at any time. I further understand that there are no entry refunds, exchanges, transfers or rollovers, and that the event may be cancelled due to severe weather conditions, natural disasters, or threats to local and national security. I have read this waiver carefully & understand it. Furthermore, I hereby affirm that I am eighteen (18) years of age, I have read this document, and I understand its contents. If less than 18 years of age, parent/guardian of participating minor must submit entry on the minors behalf. As the parent/guardian I hereby acknowledge and execute the foregoing Waiver release for and on behalf of the minor named herein. In submitting this form I hereby authorize medical treatment for any injuries sustained during this event. It is understood that parent/guardian assumes full risk for and on behalf of said minor.